Most of us would like to quit wearing glasses,even contact lenses through a perfect vision. That’s why excimer laser Technologies took the best interest of the vast majority of the people. It is used in order to correct eye disorders including nearsighted people or farsighted people as well as those with astigmatism. However, don’t worry if you are a not true candidate for an excimer laser. Instead, we may offer you smart lenses for implantation into the eye.
Who are the best fitting candidates for Excimer Laser Surgery
- 18 years old or older
- Cessation of rise on eye number
- Appropriate cornea thickness
- Nearsighted people up to -10.0 D
- Farsighted people up to + 6.0 D
- Astigmatism up to 6.0 D
- No known history of keratoconus(an eye disease that affects the structure of the cornea) or glaucoma
- No sign or history of any rheumatological disorder
- Those having ideal eye architecture for excimer laser surgery
- Despite many laser interventions being established, the most popular one is LASIK. We use femto laser state of the art technologies in order to perform LASIK surgery for patient safety and getting the best sensitivity for eye surgery.
Using the ‘Wavefront Technology’ we design personal vision design personally for best vision quality.The main point here is to create a painless surgical atmosphere with highest comfort. An eye drop is used to numb the eye. Surgery duration is several minutes. Total surgery time for both eyes is approximately 15 minutes.
You will be discharged soon after the procedure. You may feel tearing or minimal pain for 4-5 hours and this is normal as well.